BMC Youth Climbing Series 2014 London and the south east

Youth Climbing Series
.SSP CACssp teamSam Trophy

In mid January I joined the Surrey Sports Park to coach their squad. We had a tough job on our hands with very little time to prepare for the BMC Youth Climbing Series (YCS) 2014. After putting their training programme together with Guy Davenport (who also coaches the team), we have been working furiously to get ready in time, and what a good job they all did. Throughout the first two rounds, we got six 1st places, three 2nds and 6 thirds, taking the whole team through to the finals which took place Saturday 29th March at The Castle Climbing Centre.

The Surrey Sports Park squad has really improved over the last two months and it was great to see them compete at such a tough level. All the team should be proud of how they climbed.

The 3 stand-out performances for me were by, Sam Jenner, Issy Adams and Finley Adams who all won the regional finals in perfect style, well done guys!!!



After a slight rest week this week, the team will be back to work getting ready for Ratho and the other upcoming national BMC competitions later this year.
Bring it on!

A quick note to say that we are very proud to support Climbers Against Cancer with our new kit, thanks John. Also a big thank you to TheraBand and Coach’s Eye for your products and support.

If you are looking for youth performance coaching, please drop me an email on for more information.

Finger Injuries

POP is usually the first thing you hear (and feel) when you get a finger injury.
Nina and I have been writing away to create our latest article on all matters fingers.
From pulley tears/sprains to DIP and PIP joint inflammation.

If you are feeling like your fingers are bruised or recovering from a finger injury have a read and read what you should be doing.
If you’ve never had a finger injury – read it for tips on how to avoid the finger injuries.
Click to read the article.

Next up – youth climbers and injury prevention.