Golfer’s elbow? Tennis elbow?
If you are suffering from either condition, have a look at my latest article on which I wrote with Nina Leonfellner. It is a condition that WILL affect you at some point in your climbing career. I know many very competent and knowledgeable climbers that have been wiped out for 3 months, 6 months and even up to 2 years. It usually strikes when you are at your strongest, which is why people try to climb through it…this is not a good idea.
So that you understand this debilitating condition, read the article and take note of the exercises. If you add them to your strength and conditioning sessions, you will keep it at bay.
As we discuss in the article, many of your injuries occur due to poor posture and technique when climbing. If you would like to have your climbing assessed, please drop me an email on and we can book a video analysis session.